Mission Concept Program Workshops

The Mission Concept Program builds on the Mission Design Course, introducing student teams to mission development over a program lasting 3 months. Workshop presentations cover a variety of small satellite topics that occur during this program, which introduce students to the field of small satellites and systems engineering.

Document TitleResources
Mission RelevanceSlides
Personnel & Team ManagementSlides
System Concept ReviewSlides
Electrical Power System (EPS)Slides
Command & Data Handling and SoftwareSlides
Communications (COMM) SubsystemSlides
Attitude Determination and Control (ADC) SubsystemSlides
Structures and Thermal SubsystemSlides
Test and Integration FacilitiesSlides
Assembly, Integration, and Test, Ground Support Equipment, and Environmental TestingSlides
Ground Systems & Mission OperationsSlides
The Manifest and Launch ProcessSlides
Licensing, Policy, and Launch/Range SafetySlides